Friday, May 3, 2019

Dream Log: Romance and Green Energy

Last night I dreamed I was at a meeting of people concerned about global warming, discussing ways to advocate and implement green energy. People at the meeting were discussing the way that advocates for fossil fuels exaggerate the problems involved in switching to green energy; for example, claiming that solar generation of electricity requires 1000 times more land area than fossil fuels -- an extreme example of fossil-fuel propaganda, to be sure. I was there because I wanted to get some reliable figures about such things. In the dream I was -- and now, waking, I am -- under the impression that solar can generate electricity while using less land than fossil fuels. But I was not -- and still am not -- completely sure who has the most reliable figures, and who is making the most sense.

At the meeting, a lot of John Lennon recordings were been played, from the late 60's and the early 70's, recordings he made with the Beatles and solo, from "Everybody's Got Something to Hide (Cept For Me and My Monkey)" and "Glass Onion" to "#9 Dream." In the dream the music was key to the education about global warming and propaganda.

I met a woman at the meeting and we soon became friendly. After the meeting broke up, late in the evening, she and I went for a walk. We began to hug and kiss. Walking along, she said that she was tired. I picked her and carried her for a while, which made her laugh.

She was sad and I didn't know what I could do about it. I tried to be very nice.

We walked through an office building. We were in an atrium several stories above the ground floor. The ground floor was covered in tiles in the shapes and colors of pictures by Matisse. It wasn't clear to me whether Matisse himself had actually made the tiles. I exclaimed about how beautiful the tiles were, she did not reply, and immediately, I was afraid that she disliked Matisse, perhaps more for political than aesthetic reasons.

She smoked a lot. She stepped back outside of the building to have another cigarette. I haven't smoked in 20 years, and I didn't feel good about starting again, but I wanted to be with her, and I find that it's hard to be a couple when one person smokes and the other doesn't, and also I had been smelling so much of her smoke since before the meeting had broken up that I felt I was getting hooked again. So I asked for a drag on her cigarette. I was all-in, even if it meant I had to smoke to be with her.

But then, after I took a puff, she had disappeared when I was looking in another direction. I looked all over and couldn't find her. I didn't have her phone number or address.

Then I woke up.

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