Friday, April 15, 2022

Grizzly Zombie Apocalypse

You know, I'm not really so impressed by a lot of horror movies.

Take what is supposedly the most scary horror movie thing ever: zombies. Reanimated human corpses, ravenous for the flesh of the living.

Yawn -- seriously, yawn! Take a shovel, an axe or a baseball bat, your choice, or any one of many other objects easily to hand, give the zombie one good shot to the dome, done, on to the next problem, the next zombie. Truly easy-peasy. 

Bears, on the other hand. 

 Bears are not so easy. They can be as big as 1,500 pounds, their muscles and teeth and claws are massive, a bear can kill a human about as easily as a human can kill a fly. No, much easier, actually, because flies often evade us, whereas bears are much faster and more agile than we are.  If you ever see a bear which is angry at you for some reason, charging at you as fast as a fast horse runs, you won't have time to shit your pants. The only reason we're not all hair-on-fire night-and-day terrified of bears is because bears are rarely the slightest bit interested in us, and they keep their distance.

But you take that science-fiction lab accident, and have it infect bears instead of humans, so that dead bears now want nothing else but to eat the flesh of living humans, and suddenly the kind of zombie apocalypse we were used to becomes, just, totally adorable. 

You can't take a swing at the head of a grizzly zombie with an axe, bat or shovel, because the bear zombie will tear you apart before you can even get that close to its head. And even if one particular grizzly zombie can't move at all for some reason, you're not going to be able to hurt it with a shovel, axe or bat. Maybe if you're particularly strong for a human, and you hit it over and over for hours. But in such a case, such a bear was obviously not a high priority to begin with, and the other grizzly zombies will easily arrive and kill and eat you before you're halfway done. 

Even most guns won't be much help. You city slickers, you may have heard the term "loaded for bear"? It reflects the reality that only extremely powerful cartridges -- extremely powerful "loads" -- will work against bears. The kinds of loads you can't fire with most guns. 

So! What will you do? What WILL you do, when the grizzly zombie apocalypse begins to rampage?

And that's just one example, just off the top of my head. You don't want to know about the REALLY scary stuff I imagine. You DON'T want to KNOW.

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