Friday, January 13, 2023

Dream Log: 'Game of Thrones' Alternate World

Last night I dreamed I was a minor character in "Game of Thrones." 


I was a mercenary, a sell sword, but I didn't want to fight, which meant that I and a couple of like-minded former comrades-in-arms were basically now drifters.

After drifting for a while we came to a large ominous-looking door in a wall. What was most ominous about the wall and the door was how 21st century they looked. This being "Game of Thrones" and all, things were supposed to look about 15th century, at the newest. After a moment of foreboding, we opened the door and walked into what looked like a 21st century university classroom, with an up-to-date professor at the head of group of today's students. 

It was all so completely unfamiliar!

Except... it wasn't. Not completely...

The professor saw us starting to figure things out and said, "Okay, okay," and directed some of the students to sit us down in the midst of them. 

It was the year 2023. Which meant the "Game of Thrones" world we had been living in... 

"Is a computer simulation," the professor said. 

Then we started to ask questions which were clearly more embarrassing, such as, What exactly were we doing roaming around a non-existent quasi-Medieval world, carrying swords, trying not to get into fights, thinking it was real and forgetting the present?

They seemed distinctly disinclined to answer any questions of those kind, instead trying to turn everything around on us, demanding to know just exactly what right we thought had to barge in here and interrupt them, and insisting that we return tomorrow at precisely one in the afternoon for processing.

I was having none of that, telling them we weren't guinea pigs and what kind of cold-blooded monsters were they, and pretty soon everybody was shouting, and one of them said she was calling security, and security was better-armed than just swords. I unbuckled my scabbard and threw my sword away, saying I did not want to be violent and hadn't threatened anyone. In the end we just walked out through a different door than the one we had come in, and we were in the middle of a present day university campus.

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