Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Jane Fonda, Donald Trump and "Radical Kinship"

Jane Fonda wants us to express "radical kinship" for Donald Trump and his supporters, according to Politico. I'm not sure exactly what she means. She talks about caring about a person, our crazy President in this case, who clearly shows the psychic scars of a cruel upbringing.

If we can express this concern by getting Trump out of the White House and into a locked psychiatric facility where he can finally get the help he so clearly needs, I'm down with it. Is this what Jane has in mind? The 25th Amendment is there, all we need are Republicans with balls. But we don't have those. Do we. So we need a "#HugeBlueTsunami and impeachment and removal. I know, removal will take 67 votes in the Senate, and we won't have that many Democrats even with a clean sweep of the mid-terms, but with a majority in the Senate and a huge majority in the House, there will be all kinds of ways to pressure Republican Senators to do the right thing. Including making them think -- AT LONG FREAKING LAST -- about how many Republicans have lost elections for supporting Trump.

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