Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kellyanne Conway Mentions -- TODAY -- That She was Sexually Assaulted

A couple of hours ago, if you had asked me whether I'd ever immediately be suspicious of a woman who'd claimed to have been sexually assaulted, I probably would've said no. Then, on this Sunday morning's political-talk TV, Kellyanne Conway said she'd been sexually assaulted.

The woman who over the past 2 years has been the 2nd most-notorious, most-shameless, most-obvious and most-disgusting liar in the entire world, closely following the man she's been working for for those 2 years, The President of the United States, who has bragged about assaulting women, and then lied and said he never bragged about it, after we all heard him on tape bragging about it.

You may have heard the story of the boy who cried wolf. The point of the story is not whether wolves actually showed up or not. Wolves do show up in the story. The point of the story is that when they did show up, nobody believed the boy who was trying to warn them about the wolves, because the boy had proven himself to be a lying sack of crap.

On CNN this morning, on Jake Tapper's "State of the Union," in a conversation about Brett Kavanaugh’s controversial nomination to the Supreme Court, Conway said, “I feel very empathetic, frankly, for victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment and rape. I’m a victim of sexual assault.”

First and foremost: if Kellyanne said that the sky is blue, I'd have to go outside and check, because it had been Kellyanne who said it. Secondly, she's claiming NOW that she has been assaulted. The same woman who has been trotted out over and over by the Trump administration during their frequent sexual-harassment and assault scandals in order to criticize the press for using the issue of sexual harassment and assault politically.

But she didn't stop by claiming, TODAY, that she has been sexually assaulted. Tapper, quite naturally, pointed out that this is the first time that she has publicly mentioned being assaulted, and that she works for a President who says that every single woman who claims that he has assaulted them is lying. Conway responded by saying:

"Don’t conflate that with this and certainly don’t conflate that with what happened to me. It would be a huge mistake, Jake. Let’s not do it. Let’s not always bring Trump into everything that happens in this universe. That’s mistake number one."

This is another example of the sheer head-spinning depth and shamelessness of Conway's dishonesty. If she didn't work for Trump, you and I would never have heard her name. If Kavanaugh, the President's nominee for the Supreme Court, weren't under very serious suspicion of multiple acts of sexual assault, the same as the President himself and many other men close to him, nobody would've been talking about sexual assault on the Sunday-morning political-talk shows today. Tapper didn't bring Trump into this conversation: Trump was already right in the middle of it, of his own doing. But today, as always, no matter what the topic, Kellyanne tried to make it sound as if Trump and those with Trump were being persecuted for reasons of unfathomable, unreasonable, fanatical partisanship. As if his critics, and not Trump, were the one doing violence to truth and integrity.

Well, you know Kellyanne: just chock-full of shit, right up to her chin, today as always.

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