Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Time Machine Brings Beethoven to the 21st Century, and "Dance (pt 1)" by the Rolling Stones is Playing

"What is that -- Oh! I was about to say, 'What is that noise?!' and then, a couple of seconds later I realized it's meant to be music, and now a few seconds after that I'm starting to like it! Who are these musicians?! What is this music?!"

"This is a piece composed and performed by a group who call themselves the Rolling Stones, Herr Beethoven."

"Ha! A clever name! Their music is coming at us like stones in an avalanche! It's so loud that it's shaking my bones! It makes me want to dance and leap about! The feeling is overpowering."

"Please, Herr Beethoven, feel free -- dance!"

"But I don't know the steps!"

"Ah, yes. Well, you see, with this sort of music, often people dance without having any steps planned beforehand. They just move to the music in a fully improvised way. You're already swaying to and fro and moving your arms to the beat."

"As are you. Where are they, where are the Rollling Stones? I don't see them anywhere. Well done, Rolling Stones! This is such fun!"

"The Rolling Stones aren't here, Sir. We're listening to a recording. An electronic recording."

"Great God. Electricity! And I suppose some of those instruments are guitars, but with the sound manipulated electrically?"

"Exactly right, Herr Beethoven! Good ear!"

"And the voices and the drums and the brass are manipulated somewhat less, or not at all. Show me how you dance to this!"

"Alright... There's no need to copy me. Let the music move you. The main point is to enjoy yourself. Let go! ...There you go!"

"What glorious hedonism! I'm reminded of sex!"

"Sex is a major theme in many of the Rolling Stones' songs."

"I don't understand the lyrics. 'Get up, get out," that's plain enough, but what does he mean by 'get down'?"

"Oh, that's, uh, that's slang, it can be understood in various ways, which I think is intentional with many of their lyrics. Getting down can be having fun, so you're certainly doing it right. It can also mean to dance in an enthusiastic way, so, again... And it can also mean to have sex. So, I'd have to say that you understand this music very well indeed, even without knowing the slang in the lyrics."

"Oh, it's glorious!"

"You're definitely dancing correctly to this recording. Just dance as if no-one were watching."

"If someone's watching and they don't like the way I'm dancing, I don't give a damn!"

"That means you're doing it perfectly."

"Ha ha ha ha! What is the name of this glorious tune?"

"Well, coincidentally, it's called 'Dance, Part One.'"

"Is there a Part Two? Can we obtain it and listen to it as well some time?"

"We can hear it the moment Part One is Over."

"Ha! Oh, I see some people down the street have seen us dancing, and they're dancing along with us! Come over here and dance with us, my lovely dancing friends! 'Get down' with us! Oh dear!"

"It's alright, Herr Beethoven, it was a perfectly appropriate remark for the moment"


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