Sunday, June 20, 2021

Critical Race Theory

News & Guts reports:

"While dozens of Republican lawmakers around the country speak out against critical race theory, there have been questions about whether these politicians actually know what they are fighting against."

Imagine how much time and energy might have been spared if more people had taken a similar approach with Jordan Peterson and postmodernism and Marxism!

Perhaps some people learned from the case of Peterson, and are better prepared this time around.

Who knows. It would be nice to think that there are people out there somewhere who are actually learning things, and therefore behaving in a more sensible and effective manner than they used to. 

Do Peterson and Republican wingnuts and similar idiots actually have a new positive effect, by acquainting people with things so as postmodernism and Marxism and critical race theory, things with which they were previously unfamiliar?

I should probably end this post pretty soon, I seem to be in danger of getting carried away by silly amounts of optimism. I like optimism generally but I believe that it can be overdone. 

Although I must mention before ending, for the benefit of those who haven't already read it in this blog, that it actually took Jordan Peterson for me to finally learn what postmodernism is and that I am a postmodernist, even though I'm about a year older than Jordan Peterson.

It takes what it takes, whatever it is.

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