Saturday, November 14, 2020


I'm cutting my hair for third time during COVID-19. That's right: present tense. I'm cutting my hair now. I'm in the process of doing it. My clippers are re-charging now. I ran the battery all the way down today, recharged the clippers, and then ran the battery all the way down again, and I'm writing this post because I need something to do while they're charging again. This is not a picture of me, but it gives you a general idea about how far I feel I am from an acceptable stopping point.

How can this be? you ask. Well, you see, early on during the pandemic, I wondered whether to buy some hair clippers on Amazon, or just to get the beard clippers in front of me at Kroger's. I got the beard clippers. Mistake. I don't have a beard, I shave every day, I was looking for something to cut my own hair. I suppose I have an unwise preference for instant gratification. The beard clippers were right there in front of me. Shipping time: zero. 

Also: on the package it said that they could be used to cut hair as well as beard, and I'm a bit annoyed at them for that. Technically, they're not lying when they say that these beard clippers can cut hair. I have a very full head of hair, and I'm giving myself a buzz cut with these beard clippers for the third time right now. So, saying that these clippers CAN be used to cut hair is not technically a lie.

But it's still kind of a lie, because saying that they CAN be used to cut hair implies that they SHOULD be used to cut hair. And they shouldn't.

So I googled best hair clippers, and I ordered the clippers which Men's Health says are the best bargain, and Jesus, Lord from Above, please, please, please let them be much better at cutting hair than these beard clippers. Which, for all I know, may be just perfect for trimming beards.

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