Friday, May 29, 2020

Dream Log: Top Apps For Celebrities Only

Last night's dream was strange on several levels. For one thing, it had to do with some celebrities, such as Jessica Simpson, about whom I rarely think except to wonder why they're celebrities. Some people might say about Jessica Simpson that, talented or not, she's gorgeous. The thing is that, to me, she's not even particularly interesting-looking. I can understand when someone who's not particularly talented is a superstar if I think they're gorgeous, like, for instance, Raquel Welch in the 1970's,

but then there are others where I just don't get it. And last night's dream was about celebrities about whom I just don't get it. In fact, they are celebrities who are so uninteresting to me that I can't even remember, now that I'm awake, who they are, other than Jessica Simpson. There were about a half dozen of them, both genders, most, I guess about as old as Ms Simpson (39 years old) and with careers which peaked about the same time as hers (late 1990's and early 2000's).

Another thing which was strange about the dream is that I was acting like a celebrity-hater, which I'm not. I've never been able to understand why people go to the trouble of commenting that this or that celebrity, in their opinion, is hideous is some way or another. For example, above, I gave my opinion that Jessica Simpson is not gorgeous. I only said that to try to express how strange I found it that I was dreaming about her, and not because I think anybody has the slightest reason to care that I don't find her to be gorgeous, Jessica Simpson herself least of all, among other reasons because, of course, many people DO think she's absolutely gorgeous.

Anyway -- in this dream, I was wasting my time intensely disliking Jessica Simpson and some other celebrities for some reason or reasons I can't fathom now that I'm awake. And in this dream, there was a certain kind of app which was offered only to celebrities. Billionaires couldn't buy these apps, unless they had managed to make themselves into celebrities as well as billionaires, like -- Mark Cuban. These apps would transform the celebrities in some way. It was sort of like plastic surgery without the wait and the physical pain. There were lists of these celebrity apps on websites: for each celebrity associated with the apps program, there was a list of apps, each one with a picture of the celebrity showing what the app did.

And what exactly the apps did, is not clear to me. I mentioned plastic surgery because it's the closest real-world example I can think of. All that's clear about these apps is that they were exclusive, and that a wide public was envious of the celebs for having the apps -- envy of celebrities: there's another thing, liking hating celebrities, which I can't understand -- and that the celebrities were sort of addicted to the apps. A lot of celebrities steered clear of this sort of thing the way they steered clear of alcohol or recreational drugs.

For some reason, I was put in charge of the apps having to do with these half-dozen or so celebrities. And with gleeful hatred, I discontinued some of the apps which had been offered to Jessica Simpson and the half-dozen others. When I made the changes in the apps, the pictures in the online lists of apps, instead of simply disappearing, changed into other pictures of the celebs.

Jessica Simpson got very angry at me and complained, publicly, wearing a long, tight sequined dress, with an elaborate hairdo with her hair piled up high and with strands of diamonds holding her hair in place. It was not clear whether she was physically near me and we both were being filmed at the same time, or if we were communicating with some sort of Internet video-phone setup, like Skype except more elaborate. Either way, we were top news on shows like "Entertainment Tonight," which showed video of her complaining in the sequined dress with the elaborate hairdo, and me sitting at my computer and smirking like the weasel and jerk I was acting like.

I just want to say that, in real waking life, I have absolutely no reason to even say something mean to Jessica Simpson, and that my behavior in this dream seems very unlike myself. The apps seem like something (some completely fictional thing) which might have been dangerous, but to take them away from someone out of sheer spite is really completely unlike me.

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