Thursday, June 18, 2020

Dream Log: Kissing Milla Jovovich

Last night I had another one of those dreams where there was no pandemic. It was also one of those dreams about a movie, but this time, it was not one of those dreams where I'm in a movie, but at the same time, the events in the plot of the movie are also really happening. This time, there was a movie being filmed and there was no blending of movie and reality. It was just a movie. And we also weren't watching the finished movie while we were filming it -- we were just filming it in the conventional waking-world manner. And in this dream, I wasn't even an actor in the movie. I was a producer.

The movie was being directed by Luc Besson, and starred Milla Jovovich

as Boudica, a real historical figure, a tribal leader in Britain who led an large-scale but ultimately unsuccessful revolt against the Roman occupation in the area of present-day England in the first century AD. In real life, Ms Jovovich is married and has 3 children with her husband Paul W S Anderson, maker of the Resident Evil movies. This fictional dream version of Milla Jovovich was single.

In my role as one of the film's many producers, I went around the set trying to solve problems as best I could. If someone in the cast or crew was having a creative problem and wanted my help, I tried my best to offer constructive advice. If someone was feeling down, I tried to cheer them up. If someone wanted some money from the film's budget, I either gave it to them, or turned them down, or referred them to one of the higher-ranking producers.

The movie was being filmed on location in Minnesota, near the campus of a large, academically-undistinguished university, a "party college." The cast and the crew interacted with the students and faculty of the university. In an unrealistic dreamlike aspect of this dream, I was solving problems on the university campus as well as on the film set.

I saw a young man with a full beard sitting on a bench in the hallway of a university building, not moving, with a glazed expression on his face. For a moment I was very alarmed, but I checked his pulse and breathing: he was alive. His pulse and breathing were slow, steady and strong, but he was in quite a daze. I couldn't smell alcohol on him, and I can usually smell if someone's been drinking. It was not clear whether this guy's state was due to drugs, fatigue, depression, some combination of these, or none of the above. I saw Milla Jovovich nearby and waved her over.

In the movies, often a man is in some sort of state, and a beautiful woman will kiss him and he'll snap right out of it. Like Sleeping Beauty, but with the genders reversed. I gestured at the young man and said to Milla, "You wanna try a Reverse Sleeping Beauty on this guy?"

Milla shrugged and said sure and leaned in over the young man and gave him a long kiss. Nothing. No response.

I thought it was a terrible shame, a kiss from Milla Jovovich going to waste like that. I stared at her, and she was staring right back, and slowly we got closer and closer to each other until we were kissing.

It was a long, wonderful kiss, and while we kissed we hugged each other and rubbed each other's backs and scalps and squeezed each other's shoulders. When it was over I was stunned. Milla smiled kindly at me, shrugged and said, "Mmmm... Yeah, it was okay. But I'm Milla Jovovich. You understand." And she walked away.

I caught up with her and walked beside her. She gave me a raised-eyebrow look. "Let's talk, okay?" I said. "Let's have everything... above-board and clear. I want to keep trying. You can tell me to leave you alone, any time you want."

Milla laughed and said, "I know I can! It's good that you know it too."

"It was a poor choice of words on my part. Just tell me to leave you alone and that's that, over and done like it never happened." I waited as we walked along. She didn't say anything. I waited some more. She still didn't say anything. I said, "Do you want to have dinner tonight, after shooting's done?"

She was silent for still longer. I felt like I was going to die from the waiting. Was she one of those women who actually think it's kinder to just leave someone hanging? Then she leaned in close, gave me a peck on the ear and said, "Yeah." Then she ran away, running as fast as Milla Jovovich. Then I woke up. And after a few minutes, I realized that I wasn't really going to have dinner with Milla Jovovich. And that she's married, very happily married, apparently, to the Resident Evil guy, the father of her three children.

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