Monday, March 14, 2022

Dream Log: Love and Fast Cars

I dreamed I went to a rural canyon filled with thousands of fast street-racing cars and thousands of movie stars. It was sort of like a scene from a Fast and Furious movie, except that in this case, the movie stars were acting out various movies and TV shoes and the fast cars were driven by other people.

I drove my own car into the canyon before dawn, before the racing had started. I parked and walked around, looking for my girlfriend, who was going to meet me there. She was my girlfriend only in the dream, in waking life I'm single.

I found her, and almost lost her again right away. Besides the crowds and the darkness it was also foggy in the canyon. I said something about leashing the two of us together. She responded to that by taking both of my hands in hers, and twirling in a tango-like movement which ended with her back pressed against my chest and my arms wrapped around her waist. 

And then I couldn't remember where I had parked my car. I knew it was either very close to the entrance near the stream at the bottom of the canyon, or, looking in and up from there, to the right. The problem was that I couldn't be sure more specifically than that where I'd parked, and there were literally thousands of cars there. Also, I wasn't sure what sort of car I had. I thought it was a Porsche 911, and painted either black or dart two-toned. 


We checked the cars near the entrance, then started off to the right. Several times I was afraid I was going to lose track of her in the fog, so I stayed closer to her side. I was also afraid I was going to lose her in the sense of doing something to make her break up with me, but as the dream went on I felt more secure.

At the top of the canyon, some sort of military based was fenced off, patrolled by strolling riflemen. Some people on our side of the fence were convinced that there were holes in the fenced, and were concerned that, in this thick fog, someone might accidentally wander onto the base and into a lot of trouble. I thought that was utter nonsense.

We went on searching, asking people if they'd seen a 911, black or dark two-toned. 

Eventually it occurred to me that all or almost of these street-racing cars, Porsches, Ferraris, late-60's American muscle cars and others, must be converted to EV's. Otherwise the canyon would be reverberating with roar of ICE engines, and choking with their stink. But no, night birds were merrily singing, and the air was sweet. 

We came across a tract of small prefab houses. In here, some of the many movie stars acted out their shows. Several of the houses were occupied by Grey's Anatomy, which I have never seen, but which, I gather, has been a huge hit for a long time and employed many actors who went on to movie stardom. 

I stuck my head inside one of the houses, and asked an actor, whom I did not recognize, about the Porsche. He was dressed in green scrubs, sitting behind a counter in a set arranged to look like a nurses' station, and he did not answer me. Instead he seemed to think that he really was working in a hospital, and that I was some sort of strange imaginary being.

Eventually, as the sun came up and the fog stayed around I lost interest in the Porsche. I gave my girlfriend a big hug and asked her what she wanted to do, assuming we never found it. Then I woke up.

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