Friday, April 26, 2019

mee r munkee. mee luv yu. pleez yuze grean ennurjee

mee r munkee. mee luv yu.

mee want 2 liv! greta tunburg also want 2 liv! thairfor, pleez yuze grean ennurjee.

iff mee had 30 bilyun dahlurz, mee kud giv solar rufs 2 milyuns uv howzes an uhthr bildingz.

an then mee kud chalunj uhthur bilyunarez: top that, bil gaitz an warruhn bufut an jef bayzoz and elon musk an yu uhthur bilyunarez! top that, with solar, or win, or tiduhl, or jeeohthermuhl, or uhthur grean stuf! yu want tu bee greanuhst bilyunare uv all time? pruv it! giv away mor kul grean stuf than i jest did! mee luv yu, bilyunarez.

thatts wot mee wud say iff mee had 30 bilyun dahlurz and gaiv uhway milyuns of solar rufs.

speshl mesuhj 2 th coke bruhthurz: stop. jest stop. leev that cole in th grown, an maik grean enurjee insted. mee luv yu, coke bruhthurz. but sumtime it hard 2 luv yu beecuz uhv th cole. not az hard az it iz 2 luv donal chump. but hard sumtimz. so jest stop. thnk yu verr mutch. mee luv yu. mee want 2 liv.

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