Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Draft Hillary 2020?

Just thinking out loud here. Sure, it's a little bit nuts, but the world is a little bit nuts, and since about 5 hours ago, the 2020 Democratic primary campaign has been officially nuts.

In politics, I think, if your opponent is going to accuse you of something, if it's something you'd had the slightest inclination toward doing anyway -- you should do it. Why waste those accusations on things you're not really doing? Bernie's supporters will accuse Democrats of treating him unfairly this time around -- it's what they do. It's who they are. What would be more unfair to Bernie than Hillary one more time.

Further: I don't think anything in life is fair, and I think it's particularly silly for a US Presidential candidate to whine about unfairness. I think if a Presidential candidate whines the way Bernie does, it's practically every citizen's patriotic duty to mock and abuse him or her for it.

Give Bernie something to whine about: bring back Hillary, and hammer away at Bernie about how much he (his supporters mostly, but by unfair implication he) sounds like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter when he (they) go on and on about Hillary and the Democratic Party and the Deep State and so forth. Put him and his supporters on the defensive, force them to explain just exactly how their portrayal of Hillary and Democratic establishment is any different from that of the the tinfoil-hat right-wing fringe.

We were fair with Bernie once. He doesn't deserve it twice, he really doesn't.

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