Sunday, February 17, 2019

Dream Log: Uptight Movie-Star Detectives

Last night I dreamed I was working with Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint. They were not in the roles of the young wizards they played in the Harry Potter movies --

-- but all four of us were playing fictional roles in a movie. We were playing detectives. However, it was one of those dreams in which it wasn't really clear whether we were acting, or if we really were solving crimes.

The other three certainly didn't seem to be as wealthy as they are in real life from the Harry Potter movies. For example, we had about a dozen pairs of socks and briefs to split up between the 4 of us, and these socks and briefs were going to have to last us a long time, and there seemed to be a lot of unspoken tension about whether they were being split up fairly. For example, these socks and briefs were not new, and there was some tension about whether one or two of us might get unfairly many holes in our allotment of socks and briefs.

There also seemed to be some unspoken tension about my being an equal in the group of detectives although I'm 25 to 30 years older than the other 3.

A lot of unspoken tension in general. Some examples were: we were operating out of a ratty old van which needed repairs -- who was going to pay for the repairs? Who was going to go out and chase the bad guys, and who was going to wait at home base -- that is, in the van? Did I get to take less risk of beingt hurt or killed because I was old? Who was going to go get coffee? Who was going to go around to all of our homes to drop off the socks and briefs and pick up badly-needed cold-weather gear?

We were so caught up in a million little issues that we never actually got around to investigating any crime.

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