Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Say No to Bernie Now -- Avoid the Rush

The LAST thing this country needs is another old, grumpy, sexist man in the White House who comes from a lilywhite community, goes easy on gun nuts and has a pathological hatred of the Democratic Party, the Clintons and liberals in general.

The Democratic Party made the mistake last time of going way too easy on Bernie, and in return he fucked us and helped elect Trump. Let's not make the same mistake twice. We need to be crystal-clear, this time around, that there are going to be 2 Presidential campaigns: the first one to get Bernie out of the way, and then against Trump or whomever else the Republicans nominate. Let's get the first fight over and done with as soon as possible.

We already get way too much hatred and psychotic conspiracy theory against the Democratic Party from the right. We don't need a whole bunch more of it from someone pretending to be a part of the party.

1 comment:

  1. As a POC, I'm totally behind Bernie

    My Wife is also a supporter, as is my sister and my brother-in-law
