Monday, September 23, 2019

The 2019 MacArthur Genius Grants Will Be Awarded the Day After Tomorrow

Once again, I'm in great suspense. (Please don't ask, "You? A genius grant, Steven? For what?" Please just don't.)

Donald Trump insists that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, but that the selection process is rigged against him.

Which one of the two of us is more of a sad, apelike dude? Which one of us is less like Theodore Roosevelt (won the Nobel Peace Prize, may have been considered for the Literature Prize as well)?

I've posted more than 1,790 posts on the blog over the past 10 years. In addition, I've written 2 unpublished novels, an unpublished play, several published short stories (you've never heard of the periodicals there were published in, which today are probably defunct), many more unpublished short stories, drafts of several more, unfinished novels and a buncha miscellaneous stuff.

Trump compiled a list of of his accomplishments as President earlier this year in which the word "accomplishments" was misspelled. He has breathed tremendous new life into feminism, environmentalism, stand-up comedy and political journalism -- all unintentionally. He has been known to pose as his own nauseatingly fawning publicist. He quite recently claimed to weigh 239 pounds. He claims to have huge hands and to draw record-size crowds. Trump university. Trump Steaks. Trump commemorative plates.

I'm comparing myself to this guy. I guess I'm having severe doubts about myself and whatever it is I do.

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